Monday, December 28, 2009

Day One 12/28/09

Today is a big day, the first day of my new blog entry! Unfortunately, I'm using this moment of blog writing as an excuse to delay a call to an annoying parent who needs a lesson in patience. If I entertain her delusion that her son is truly having an "emergency" (he's not), and that they deserve to be rushed to the top of my to-do list because of their non-emergency, then I'm not helping society in any way. I'm all about lessons, and although this mother may be too old to learn a new lesson from me, I'm not too old to try to offer her one. Now...on to the blog. I'm sure I'll be more inspired in the future!

I've decided to take back the control I always lose during November and December - control of my body, my food, my mood, it all goes on a zipping toboggan ride straight to the gutter about a week before Thanksgiving and now it's that time of the year again when I raise my fists in the air and shout "ENOUGH!". No more eating a dozen cookies at a time! No more lounging around all weekend because it's cold! No more wondering why my clothes look like crap on me!

That said, I'm going to use this forum to create a photo-journal of what I eat each day. This is my attempt at keeping track of how much I eat. Knowing that I have to take a picture of food and post it on my blog will hopefully help me think twice about whether or not I really want to eat it. And if that doesn't do it, then hopefully the process of finding the camera, taking a picture, etc. etc. will do the trick! It's obviously for my own benefit, but if someone out there is interested in taking a peek, you are more than welcome.

Here is breakfast: coffee, 2 egg beaters, one slice of bread, and an apple (I would have had a banana but the apple fell on the floor so...)

Here was my morning snack:

Any my delicious lunch:

Calorie count to follow! To be continued...

Calorie count for the day (including two pm snacks - an apple, below, and a banana I'll eat before the gym) is 830. That leaves 670 calories for dinner. Whoo hoo!

Kevin made me a great dinner: pork tenderloins and brown rice, both seasoned with spices, no sauce! I spritzed a little olive oil on the rice and with some salt it was great. The salad presented a problem - no two tablespoons of dressing were worth the calorie hit, so I used balsamic vinegar and olive oil again, it's a satisfying sub. Eating so simply reminded me of being in Argentina - no sauce, no pre-made food, (except for soup, whoops). Great day!

Here it is:

Tasty salad, spinach only has 7 calories per cup - SEVEN! Add some carrots and vinegar and we're at 80 calories.

We estimate I had 6 oz. of pork loin which would equal roughly 250, plus a cup of rice at 150, that gives me 400 for dinner.

Add that to the rest of the day along with some incidental calories for coffee, tea, vinegar, etc, and we're at right around 1,300 for the day! Just under the goal for the day!

I estimate that I burned around 500-600 calories at the gym today, a great start.

Day one of photo blogging my food -- SUCCESS!

2 coffee with 4 cream 40
2 egg beaters 60
1 slice bread 50
2 apple 100
1 banana 100
nuts 170
carrots 50
cheese 30
soup 160
salad 63
1 c rice 150
pork loin 250

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