Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day Nine 01/05/10 Tuesday

Today went by in a blur! The morning started out as per our well known routine, Kevin made coffee last night so I just had one cup instead or two or three. This breakfast is working out really well for me, I'm so so so lucky that Kevin gets up each day and makes it for me! We weigh ourselves each morning and today I had lost a pound! I was also very excited to see that I had lost two pounds over December. It's not a lot, not nearly as much as I have lost other months, but December was a food orgy for us, and losing any weight is a huge success. HOORAY!

My whole day was really busy, I started out with an appointment at the HR office, I met with a woman to talk about FMLA, disability, etc. I feel pretty good about my status, if I do have MS and I do end up taking a lot of sick leave as a result, I'll be covered. School starts on Friday and there are a lot of students to audit yet, it's time to weed out those students who have become ineligible for their classes. I met with a few this morning and dealt with the audits as well. I didn't have a snack until I was working out, I ate an apple while Amy and I were doing stair work.We ran into some CMGT faculty in the Rawl building, everybody likes to comment on people who exercise, it's so strange. One certain administrative assistant snidely asked what we were trying to lose, assuming we were trying to lose aything, how rude! A professor chimed in that we were working on improving cardiovascular health...here here! Three cheers for the guy who knows that it's about being healthy, not just hot.

At lunchtime I discovered that I'd forgotten to pack a can of soup, doh! Luckily, I've had an Atkins protein bar in my bag for months, I munched on that and a cup of Greek yogurt with blueberries. It was delish, it had been far too long since I'd had any Greek yogurt. It's so hard to find! And thank goodness for the protien bar! It wasn't a lot of food but it filled me up, and it was quick.

All of a sudden it was time to go home and I hadn't eaten anything else! I ate a quick cup of mixed nuts just before I left the office and a banana on the car ride home.

Now it's time for me to enjoy a glass of wine and eat my spinac salad - yum! - while my baby makes me dinner. It's a good day!

Day Seven 01/03/10

Wow it's hard to keep track of food over the weekend!! Sitting down to blog really takes an effort, I put it off most of the weekend with the idea that I would have lots of free time at work to update the weekend. That's true, of course, but I saved all the weekend food fotos on my laptop, AT HOME! Doh! I'll get it updated tonight and try to do better next weekend.

The good news, though, is that I did think about food before eating! I photographed everything, now I just have to piece the pictures together in chronological order. We had a lot more fun with food than I had originally anticipated - we had happy hour on Thursday, on Saturday we had chili and homemade biscuits with our friends Amy and Brian, and Sunday we hit our favorite brunch spot - The Tipsy Teapot (where I only had one plate full of delicious homemade buffet food!). All in all, I lost a pound! Just under three weeks to my sister's wedding, doing well so far!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Eight 1/04/09 Monday

Breakfast during the weekend has become a snap: coffee, eggs, toast, and fruit. This weekend I added some milk and I did that again this morning, although just half a cup this time. I've been worrying that by cutting out most cheese I'm skimping on calcium. So here goes the breakfast:

1/2c milk
2 beaters
1 bread
1 banana

I had an early mid-morning snack, I usually hold out until 10:30 but today I had an apple at 9:30. That, of course, has made me hungrier! Is it just me or do apples affect everyone in this manner?? Holding out a bit more to eat again, I want to be sure I get some protein just before the lunch stairs workout. I think I'll eat my mixed nuts at 11:00, just 45 minutes to go!

I had a great lunch workout with Amy, we did 30 minutes on the stairs in Rawl and it went by so much more quickly than when I was running it alone! I wolfed down my soup as soon as I got back so all I have left is this picture of an empty bowl. It was tasty. I also had a little nubbin of sweet potato, cold but whatever, I'm not picky. I am allowing my students to stress me out a bit today, I have a lot of panickers (students and parents) - everyone must have woken up today and read their email for the first time in a month. I've got a couple appointments scheduled for the afternoon, it's kind of strange after having a few weeks off!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Six 1/2/10

What a great day! Kevin was off to the golf course early this morning and I got to sleep until after 10am! When he got home we had breakfast together - back to the standard with one exception. I decided to start heating a cup of milk to use with my coffee. My regimen has been devoid of calcium so this is both a way to beef up the calcium level and get through the half gallon that's threatening to go bad in the fridge.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day Five 01/01/10 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

We're home on a Friday and we're committed to eating well all weekend! I started off with my usual healthy breakfast: 2 beaters, 1 slice of toast, and some coffee. The snacks and lunch may be off, but I'm going to try to diligently watch the calories today. Let the new body of 2010 begin!

Because we got up much later than usual my timing is all off today. Kevin made me breakfast around 10am, just when I'd normally be having my morning snack. By 12:30 I was suddenly ravished and needed to eat NOW! I fought it off with ten carrots and 1/4 nuts (no skinny cow cheese in the house), which worked.

A bit later I had about 3oz of ham left over from Christmas. There is some ham on the plate but I didn't eat it, and I only had about half of the ham shown. Sometime today between the football and the online shopping we'll need to get some exercise worked in, Kevin was not excited about the idea of doing a kickboxing or similar video workout, we'll see how this goes. it's really important of me to start a habit of having a strict day after a day of gluttony.

2 coffee with creamer
2 beaters
1 bread
10 carrots 1/4 nuts
3 oz ham